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“JE Kitchen”由兩位對料理充滿熱情的夥伴Jimmy及Elvis共同創立。基於對料理的熱情,我們持續努力提升自我,觀摩國際餐飲趨勢潮流並學習最新的烹飪概念與技巧;而基於對這塊土地的熱情,我們積極探索本地食材及文化的內涵及各種可能,並將之與異國元素、風味及現代化西式料理融合,致力打造一個既能夠與世界接軌,又貼近本地消費者的餐廳,並以合理的價格,提供具有國際水準的餐點。

JE Kitchen was established by Jimmy and Elvis, two partners who have strong passions in culinary art and F&B industry. Due to the passion for culinary art, we keep motivate ourselves to learn the latest trend of western dining trend and modern cusuines skills, as well as we strive to explore the possibilities of the combination of local produces, imported materials and modern western cooking, due to the passion for our homeland. We dedicated ourselves to establish a restaurant with not only international vision, but also the preference of local customers, providing high quality foods with reasonable prices.

© JE Kitchen 2020 by Inno-Cuisine

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